Strata Bylaw and/or Rule Violation Complaint

Strata Bylaw and/or Rule Violation Complaint

The Strata Council is tasked with enforcing the bylaws and rules of the Strata Corporation.  A complaint must first be made, in writing, before Council can review a complaint for action.  Please ensure you understand the process, and that you have all required information.

  1. You will need to refer to a particular bylaw or group of bylaws or rules, as the case may be, when making a complaint.  If there is no bylaw or rule violation, your Strata Council cannot take action.
  2. You will need to include relevant details of the complaint, including the unit number of the individual or individuals allegedly violating the bylaws or rules.
  3. A request for information under Section 35 of the Strata Property Act may require your Strata Council and/or Strata Manager to provide the Respondent a copy of the original complaint.
Contact Information
Complaint Details
Note: If there is no bylaw or rule violation, or if there is insufficient information provided, your Strata Council cannot action the complaint.
Date/Time of Alleged Violation If this is an ongoing issue, or if there are multiple incidents, include a log of the events in the description below.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you reporting a repeat offence?
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    Maximum 5 photos